
Projekt Kräuterspirale
Projekt Holzmiete

Willing Workers on Organic Farms - WWOOF

WWOOF Deutschland

Waliserhof WWOOF section

Seit Ende 2010 sind wir als Hof auf der Liste eingetragen und man kann bei uns WWOOFen. Hier könnt ihr sehen, wer schon alles da war und was wir geschafft haben.

We have been registered with WWOOF Germany as a host since winter 2010. here you can have a look what previous WWOOFers did.


Basil (from Italy) and Victoria ( from Cornwall, GB) were our first WWOOFers. They stayed for a week in january 2011 and were lucky to have some snow-free days above -5 degrees Celsius, which they used for pruning out fruit trees. The trees were in a pretty bad state as they had not been cut for at least 15 years! It was lots of work but Basil was quick and efficient. Thanks guys!

The pictures show Victoria bundling branches and twigs for the organic fence! An old bundling device was used that we found in the barn. It comes in quite handy. This is Basil rocking the Trabant 601 after refueling in order to mix the oil and the petrol properly.

http://mediengefickt.de.business-04.custom-web.de/images/stories/Waliserhof/WWOOF/penig-wwoof 023.jpg

http://mediengefickt.de.business-04.custom-web.de/images/stories/Waliserhof/WWOOF/penig-wwoof 029.jpg

http://mediengefickt.de.business-04.custom-web.de/images/stories/Waliserhof/WWOOF/penig-wwoof 025.jpg

http://mediengefickt.de.business-04.custom-web.de/images/stories/Waliserhof/WWOOF/penig-wwoof 013.jpg

Francesca (from Saxony, Germany) stayed for three weeks in spring 2011 working mostly in the garden creating beds, paths and planting lots of flowers and vegetables. Without her help, we would not have had all the veggies we now have (in July 2011). The pictures show her creating a hot bed and putting sheep dung in to create the warmth (while Willy is watching her). We hope she will come back to look at the garden in full bloom! Thanks for your help!





Mika from Brittany (France) stayed with us for three or four memorable weeks in June/July and helped mostly with woodwork. windows, beams, Fachwerk building, insulation. He also made the best Crepes in the world and the best apple tart. We spent some time making clay insulation walls to be warmer in winter while listening to some heavy metal and french music. While he was here, our butter consumption rose astronomically and we had food like god in France. There are some pictures of him and another WWOOFer, Ben, working. There was also Sylvia, a girl from Hong Kong and a couple from Canada, Klara and Matthew, staying for a week around the same time. They were a great help in the garden, making new beds for more vegetables and also hammering away the old foundations for the cow's drinking troughs. Unfortunately we did not take any pictures because the weather was really shite with rain and cold. We wish them all the best! Mika: on se revoit en Bretagne!





Max from Frankonia stayed with us for some weeks in August to help with making jam, playing with Willy and rebuild the derelic Fachwerk wall on the side building while it was a really nice and hot summer. With his help, we managed to get the wall done in no time! Thank you for being here with us and all the best. Maybe we meet again some time.





During the time Max was with us, Jessica from California, USA, stayed with us.While she was here we helped her gain the German citizenship and she helped us with everything around the house and stayed for almost 2 months and became family. Together we built walls, made clay bricks, jam, herbal medicine and had a lot of fun! We miss her a lot and hope she will be back sometime and wish her the best of luck with all her undertakings.





The las summer 2011 WWOOFers to show up were two lovely guys from Canada who ruined Tim's precious kettle and gave us their brilliant company, stories, laughs, lots of funny moments, food and songs. Darrick and Liseanne helped us with everything there is in and around the house and the family. They are part of the extended Waliserhof family now :)

I think in another life, we have met before. Please come back and destroy more kettles anytime ;) Thanks for your help and your company, you are missed and we expect you back for Christmas this year!





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